Honestly thinking (& rethinking) about God, the universe, and everything in between

Category: Holiness

Are You Holy or A-holy?

(11 Characteristics to Test Yourself With)

I don’t cuss.

There’s no judgment there, as I hang around many different circles of friends and am never offended by those who do. But I made a personal decision decades ago to not make it a regular part of my vocabulary.

Those close to me are typically shocked if they hear me utter an occasional curse word; but they also recognize it was deliberate – either to make it clear I’m serious THIS time or to throw them off for fun.

Who was I to be the judge of people’s a**holery?

Thus, it surprised me several years ago when I had a series of vivid dreams where I drove people to repentance by calling them “a**holes.” And, yes, I would use the full word (if you want to fill in the asterisks). In one dream, I called a guy an a**hole and a demon came out of him.

Of course, all of us have those dreams where we wake up thinking, “that was weird,” and then move on in life. But these dreams seemed meaningful. I couldn’t shake the feeling there was a deeper message.

But what did they mean? Was I being called by God to start an actual ministry of telling people they were “a**holes?”

Looking at the world around me, there was certainly no lack of qualified customers. Religious people and fellow Christians were no exception. 

But who was I to be the judge of people’s a**holery? After all, I could think of plenty of times from my own life where I fit the bill. And how does one go about calling other people “a**holes” without becoming one in the process?

Furthermore, what exactly qualifies someone as an a**hole in the first place? Certainly, there were many out there I would give the label to who simply saw themselves as doing what is right. Was there some official “line” that separates the a**hole from the good? There’s an entire subreddit titled “Am I the A**hole” (AITA) in which people try to figure out if they have crossed that line. Opinions are often varied.

But are human beings who often act as a**holes and subject to their own biases really a good measure of the bad vs. good? It is my belief that our current culture wars (in politics, on social media, etc.) are a search for that mysterious line, with many self-assuredly proclaiming they are the official arbiters of it.

But who gets to be the final judge? Not me, for sure. If this was to be a ministry, I needed to know what God thinks? What standard does the Foundational Being that created, designed and operates the whole universe use to measure people? Continue reading

The Pursuit of Trump: How Your Choice Could be a Faithless Act

Our “hero” surveyed the landscape.

The enemy had the upper hand. His own troops quaked with fear. Many had deserted their posts.

The consequences were dire. Our hero’s once great nation was at war, and they were losing ground. The people’s future depended on the very choices he alone made today. 

Should they lose this battle, his nation faced extinction by a Pagan enemy whose culture was bent on destroying his people’s very identity as a chosen nation of the one true God.

The time for waiting patiently had passed. Something needed to be done NOW!

What appeared on the outside to be a faithful act turned out ultimately to be…faithless.

Thus, with no other choice, Saul did the one thing he could do offer burnt offerings to God.

But what was meant as an attempt to gain God’s favor in the midst of desperation was soon met with the greatest of rebukes by Saul’s spiritual advisor.

“What have you done?!” exclaimed the prophet Samual. “You have done a foolish thing. You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you!”

The consequences of King Saul’s one single choice on that one single day were quite severe his kingdom would not endure (1 Sam 13).

What appeared on the outside to be a faithful act of Saul turned out ultimately to be…faithless.

Before continuing, let me be upfront by saying I am no less guilty of committing faithless acts. Scientists estimate that the average human makes about 35,000 choices per day, and I am quite certain that a large percentage of my 35,000 choices are committed out of faithlessness rather than faithfulness.

I am also quite certain I have been faithless at times when entering the voting booth or throwing my weight behind a political opinion. What I may have thought in the past were acts of faith, upon further reflection, turned out actually to be faithless.

But how does one determine what is “faithful” and what is “faithless?”

The Bible is full of stories of humankind committing both faithful and faithless acts, along with the consequences that follow. An examination of all of these stories reveals the following themes that are repeated throughout: Continue reading

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